Stock Images & Video

Most of our images and video samples come from the free stock site Pixabay
There’s too many to credit them all, but we’ll do our best:

Transverse stars background: Pexels
Transverse stars animation:
Transverse Website and Ventura Trans Peer Group main image: Josephredfield
The Transgender Show countdown: PIRO4D
The Transgender Show phoenix: davidargeta
Transverse News intro globe: bellergy
Transverse News stage video: Gam-Ol
Transverse News stage video: Gam-Ol
LGBT & Trans Lightsaber:


Unless credited specifically, our theme and background music comes from Streambeats by Senpai

We’ll try and list some of your favorites:

Transverse Starting Soon background music: Tundra Biome
From A Very Lo-Fi Christmas